
Who's This Max Flex Dude?

Max Flex is a lot of things. Flexible among them. At least that's what is friends say: "Very flexible. Maximum flexible. Easy going. Rolling with the flow. Flex all the way."

And then, he took up art. Suddenly. As in, couldn't draw a circle. Out of the blue, Young Max put eye to subject, pencil to paper, and color to iPad. Next thing you know, there's this Max Flex dude running around generating all manner of conversation what with his blooming original artwork and whatnot.

Max is a family man, with life partner of 30+  years and many children who are grown but not necessarily gone. He is a (wanna-be) guitar picker, a (meat-eating) chef, a (sometimes) writer, an (starving) artist, a 1,000+-hour commercial pilot and an entrepreneur of sorts. 


MF Enterprises, Western North Carolina—Founder
A private consulting entity focusing on strategies, trends, leadership, technologies, operations and logistics for public and private concerns. A frequent contributor to digital and print trade publications.

Marchesi’s Gourmandes, Italy— Masters Culinary Arts
2010- 2012

Tera OBXtech Partners, Fairfax, Va— Strategic Development
1972- 2010
Strategic responsibility in the Aerospace & Defense sector and managing consulting teams, providing expertise and insights and working in a growing global team. 

German Army, Airborne Corps Saarlouis, Germany
1960 - 19

This Website is a new platform on which young Max will showcase and sell his stuff.

Visit often. Many things will change with this Website, including this bio.

Check out the emerging art.




Home Sweet Home

Young Max prefers -- sometimes --- off the grid lifestyle. As long as he has robust access to the essentials in life: power, comfort, heating and air, killer kitchen, smooth-move work space, superior cell service and, most natch, super high-speed Internet. Otherwise, he doesn't exist.

Google can't even locate Max Flex. Go ahead, try a search. If you see him, send a notice via the Contact Page. Young Max will put a stop to that with a little block-a-rama piece of code on Maps.

That's why Max Flex built a simple little cabin out on what he calls "The Ranch" which isn't really a ranch but is more of a patch of quiet land in the middle of nowhere Burke County, NC. It does the job nicely. Especially with the underground utilities and the back-up emergency generator.



Home Sweet Home, aka The Ranch